I would think that puts me more in the role of director. The clear message is to avoid TTS in favour of actual voices from real people.

Hi: Thanks to all on the input regarding voice source. I am more interested in the animation aspects right now than I am in the music. After all, my goal is to lip-sync a character. I will get my mini plug extension cable today and see what I can do with a mic and the original mp3. If it is Mac based only, I would have to add the price of a new system and the math is just not working for me. I can't see investing $300 until I know I am going to be using it a lot. I did buy TextAloud 3 audio software because the ability to handle pronunciation was better there than I saw anywhere else. For certain, I can see me creating short films or maybe a TV type episode based series, but I don't see that involving a lot of singing. I am working on a one time project, which may or may not lead me into doing more of this type of thing. That's less than the $19.00 I would have to pay for 1 month of ADX Trax, and I'm not sure I can buy one single month. That jack is on my speaker system and not the back of the PC where the mic is. Ok, I need to spend another $5.00 to get a mini plug extension for the headphone piece. Now, yesterday I invested a whopping $12.00 for a standard headset. I also noticed that it was subscription based, and cloud based. My Thanks to all!!! Maybe I am missing something, but from what I saw, I left with the impression that ADX Trax was Mac based, which rules it out for me. Swoop has amazing knowledge, he just has an appetite for food fights lol i created a new icon, less fighting for me these days -hands swoop a daisy. it's more work than what it's worth and you will never have a perfectly clean vocal, It's a technique producers and DJ's use when they want an acappella to remix, the glitches aren't a big deal because they are often covered in the mix with new music and effects.but as acapella. ie - the Edison The Edison - you can come close but not without glitches - which usually require another step of rebuilding to fix. extracting vocals from mixed audio can be like unmixing coffee and milk, the general process is to filter out all frequencies around the voice and using phase cancellation- the problem is the voice shares many of the same frequencies as the music itself so it will never be a perfect extraction - you can do the filtering with specialized eq's but finding a phase shifter that allows variable settings is more difficult, some of the units capable of doing this efficiently are expensive and usually come in the form of hardware.

For the audio part just listen to your audio in headphones while you record on the mic.