The general process you should follow to use Gradescope in Sakai includes 5 steps. If you do end up with multiple accounts under multiple emails, you can merge accounts. If you don’t yet have a Gradescope account under the email address you use to access Sakai, one will be created when you login. If you already have a Gradescope account under the email address that’s associated with your Sakai account, when you access Gradescope in Sakai you will be taken to your existing account. Once you have set up the Gradescope integration in Sakai (instructions below), please clearly explain to students that they MUST access Gradescope through Sakai to avoid issues with roster and grade transfers between the two systems. Stop by the CIT office hours to talk with one of the CIT consultants.If you use Sakai in your course, you and your students should access Gradescope through Sakai, rather than accessing Gradescope directly.

Lessons allows you to present your course content in a structured way and guide your students through their learning tasks. Have you noticed that a new menu item called Lessons in your Fall Sakai course sites? What is Lessons?