* Fonts: Bitmap Fonts are supplied in Basic Version, NJStar True Type Japanese Fonts are supplied in Professional Versions. Exports to Graphics format for other Windows desktop publishing software. * File Conversion: Reads and Writes EUC, Shift-JIS, New-JIS, Old-JIS and NEC-JIS.

* Character Sets: Supports Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) level 1 and level 2 character set, in EUC format. * Save as HTML, Send email and copy text in different codes, Automatic wrap clipboard text. * Copy formated Japanese text between NJStar WP and Microsoft Word in either matefile-picture format or Unicode RTF format Also open and/or save in RTF format. * Bilingual Menu: Display menu items in either English (default) or Japanese. * Learning Japanese: with KanjiInfo function Display the dictionary before selecting the Kanji.

* Japanese-EnglishDictionary: Japanese to English and English to Japanese two-way fast lookup, with 100,000 entries in the dictionary. * Input Methods: KanaKanji, Romaji, Four-Corners, Strokes, Nelson index, Unicode, radical lookup and English-to-Japanese methods.